Polytech Services Nancy

Afterwork LJE

On January 29, 2019, 60 students from the Lorraine Junior Enterprise Club gathered for the first afterwork of the year. The purpose of this event is to bring together the 5 Junior-Business companies that make up the club: Polytech Services Nancy, ICN Junior Consulting, Mines Services, ENSIC Process and Junior Consulting-Sciences Po (anchor on the Nancy campus). For the first time our Junior-girl daughter EEIGM Studies and Services was also present. This gathering allows to highlight the meeting between the various junior entrepreneurs of the city of Nancy in a moment of relaxation and exchange on future projects or good processes.

What is the purpose of the Lorraine Junior-Enterprise Club?

The Lorraine Junior-Enterprise Club was created 3 years ago by the Junior Enterprises of Nancy, bringing together the 5 organizations mentioned above. Each has a wide range of areas of expertise:

Mechanics, computer science, chemistry and maintenance for engineering schools, marketing, finance and human resources for business schools and finally public policy, communication and marketing for schools in human and social science. This wide range of skills allows Nancy Junior-Enterprises to be able to respond to a large number of projects. Students gather several times a year to share their desires to understand how the professional world works, to gain skills and maturity. In addition, junior entrepreneurs can exchange on the right processes to develop their structure. Finally, this involvement in the largest student movement in France facilitates the organization of important events such as the last two regional congresses of Grand Est autumns.

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